Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Towards Equitable Technology

September 17, TUE  /  16:00 - 17:15

The introduction of artificial intelligence provides new employment and further opportunities.

This approach helps businesses to attract and develop talent and build strong and smart organizations with socially aware professionals.

It is necessary to invest in personnel and team training as it is a completely new approach to attract the labour and talents that requires additional time, effort and financial resources. The era of artificial intelligence will require an additional professional education. To meet these challenges, we need a young, talented generation that has the potential to become the best educated, most skilled and most productive workforce in the world.

It is necessary to develop and implement technologies. With technological solutions, workplaces will change and evolve, creating new, additional professions, opportunities for creativity and work. Machines are human partners, they help us stay successful, give us more time and opportunities to be creative, find additional incredible things we can do or organize.

There is a need to realize the benefits of people and machines working together and understand how to use the artificial intelligence in business, gain the strategic advantages, and how to create smarter and more intelligent organizations.

It should be a collaborative effort to make machines and humans be more effective together and to address the global threats that otherwise are unlikely to be resolved.

The development of new technologies usually threatens humanity with some consequences, but if the right choices are made, the negative outcomes can be avoided. In the artificial intelligence area, the government initiated the creation of the Research Centre for Trusted Artificial Intelligence, and Russia has become one of the first countries in the world to sign the Code of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence.




* The Programme may be subject to change