Development of Sustainable Reporting

Towards Blue-Green Economy

September 16, MON  /  17:45 - 19:15

Sustainable Reporting refers to the disclosure (voluntary, requested or mandatory) of non-financial performance information to outsiders of the organization. Sustainability reporting deals with qualitative and quantitative information concerning environmental, social, economic and governance issues. These are the criteria often gathered under the acronym ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance).

Over the past 20 years many visionary scientists, consultants, executives and leaders of non-governmental organizations have promoted a theory describing how business can thrive by pursuing a greener and more socially responsible agenda.

The number of companies reporting on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and using GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards has increased a hundredfold.

Unfortunately, it has been shown that reporting is not an indicator of progress. Measurements are often non-standard, incomplete, inaccurate and misleading.

There is no doubt that attention to substantive ESG issues can lead to better social, environmental and financial outcomes for individual companies. They will be rewarded with a lower cost of capital, and their focus on sustainability can increase profits and enhance brand value.

At the same time, corporations exist within a broader system. In the future, stability and prosperity will require senior executives to advocate for structural changes that will enable them to implement a successful, long-term strategy for the development of their organizations.



* The Programme may be subject to change