Blue Finance

September 30, FRI  /  15:30 - 17:00

The ocean is critical to our global economy. The global ocean economy is estimated to be about $1.5 trillion a year, with more than 80% of global trade transported by sea. The fishing industry directly and indirectly employs 350 million people.

It is estimated that by 2025, 34% of crude oil production will come from marine production, and aquaculture is now the fastest-growing food sector, providing more than half of the seafood widely available to consumers.

Meanwhile, it is estimated that ocean industries and activities, combined, contribute approximately $2.5 trillion annually to the global economy, making it the seventh largest economy in the world.

In addition, the non-market services and benefits provided by the world's oceans are significant and can actually far exceed the value-added of market goods and services.

The discussion session will include the following questions:

  • Development of a colored economy;
  • Blue economy acts as a driver of global sustainable development;
  • Building the blue finance system;
  • The role and objectives of water diplomacy;
  • Water sovereignty of the Russian Federation.



* The Programme may be subject to change