Responsible Сonsumption was Discussed at a Business Breakfast at POLYTECH

At the business breakfast, experts discussed extremely important issues of modern sustainable development, responsible production and consumption, and environmental protection. The participants tried to understand the role of science in all of this, whether we are ready for responsible consumption, what the alliance of all stakeholders should be, and who determines the extent of our responsibility to nature.

Rector of the POLYTECH, RAS Academician Andrey Rudskoy opened the event: It has become a good tradition on the first day of SPIEF to hold a business breakfast at Polytechnic University, where we can talk about current issues in a pleasant atmosphere. I am sure we will continue to hold events in this format. I am glad that it is responsible consumption that is being discussed at today's meeting. We are faced with the task of determining who should be shaping responsible consumption.

After that, the moderator of the meeting, Mikhail Safonov, professor at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and advisor to the Rector of the POLYTECH, gave the floor to Academician Yury Balega, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who thanked POLYTECH for organizing the event: Training people in the technical field and other spheres is what our country needs right now. And the Polytechnic University is one of the main forges of human resources, which we hope for.

Viacheslav Fetisov, Chairman of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature, also expressed his gratitude: I am honored to be here at POLYTECH, which has given the world a great number of profound scientists who have advanced mankind to a new level. In his speech he elaborated on the topical issues related to the main theme of the meeting, emphasized the importance of the ecosystem restoration, as well as the health of the nation. Viacheslav Fetisov spoke about the need to minimize risks for future generations.

The head of Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo), Maxim Protasov, reported on the main activities of the organization and elaborated on the main task - conscious production and conscious consumption. In the end he spoke about the interaction between Roskachestvo and the Polytechnic University, shared his impressions of the university and the students with whom he was able to interact when he gave a lecture there.

The following experts has also expressed their vision on the responsible consumption topic: Deputy Head of the Department of PJSC Gazprom, Director General at Gazprom VNIIGAZ Maxim Nedzvetskiy, Head of the Section for Engineering Problems and Management Processes of the Energy Division, engineering, mechanics and control processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Kalyaev, Director of the The Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences Harutyun Avetisyan, Director of the Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology named after D.O. Otta Igor Kogan, Head of the Clinical Department of Balneology and Physiotherapy (with a course of medical rehabilitation) of the The S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy Gennady Ponomarenko and other experts.

The speeches were followed by the signing of an agreement between Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature. Rector Andrey Rudskoy and Viacheslav Fetisov, Chairman of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature, signed the document.

The purpose of the agreement is to organize cooperation in addressing socially significant tasks in terms of support and promotion of domestic science, environmental protection, environmental safety, raising environmental culture of the population and, above all, young people, the popularization of respect for nature and environmental activities.

The agreement between Roskachestvo and VOOP was also signed by Maxim Protasov and Viacheslav Fetisov. The business breakfast ended with a free format discussion. Afterwards, Viacheslav Fetisov became a guest at the POLYTECH TV Studio.

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